
Applied Ergonomic Products and Services
Products & Product Development

This segment of our work includes the development and selling of ergonomically designed products ranging from simple household implements, complex electric kitchen appliances "Fire-safe" shut off systems, hand held tools, residential building systems, home office work stations, seating arrangements and more

Our mission encompasses ergonomic design principles, whereby people, climates, residences, workplaces, furnishings, and tools are conveniently related to one another. Usability is its essence.

This on-going effort is made by systematic experimental work in theory, practice, in the aesthetic, technical, and economic fields to derive the form of each object from its natural function and condition of its use.

Our practical products function ergonomically, whether they are hammers, handtools systems, chairs, or houses. All serve their purpose absolutely; they are durable and affordable.

Product index

Fire safe shut off systems

Patents in progress

Hand held tools systems

Patents in progress

Building systems

Patents in progress

Work stations

Seating Arrangements

Ramp systems


The framework of our ergonomic services establishes the relationship between our clients and the physical features within and around their home and work environments in order to gain information about those areas and issues, where improvements may be considered. This information is obtained by ergonomic assessments and evaluations. The assessment process will identify recurrent physical strain in the work, home, and other environments, and evaluate specific environmental conditions responsible for them. The information gained will determine what action is to be taken next. These may consist of goals and tasks designed to eliminate conditions which cause stress and body strain, physical interaction, as well as object substitution are usually ways to create "relief" or regain a healthy and safe environment.

For more detailed information about Applied Ergonomic Products & Services, please contact us.

Contact us

Page Modified February 23, 2009.

© Wolfgang Schoor, 2008.